The Unconscious is Politics

Seminar Series convened by Kate Foord
February to November 2025
1st Thursday of each month, 7.30 pm

This year-long seminar will take Lacan's formula 'the unconscious is politics' as its starting point and guide. Lacan's formula is a distinct take on the relation between these two terms and one that reverses the more common argument that politics is unconscious.

So, what is the reach and application of Lacan's approach, within the clinic and for psychoanalysis in extension? Clinically, this question of the relation between the unconscious and politics bears not only on the overtly political issues that present in the clinic, but also on the forms of social bond and the impasses in social relations that present there. In other words, it bears on all that a person brings to an analysis.

How does this relation between the unconscious and politics enable consideration of the contemporary presentations in the clinic, as well as when 'politics' enters the clinic in the context of particular events, movements and identities?

How does the formulation 'the unconscious is politics' open onto an understanding of the social and cultural reach of psychoanalysis?

Please click on the link to download the flyer The Unconscious is Politics Seminar Flyer

People interested in the practice of psychoanalysis are invited to contact me on 0439561799 or by email to arrange a time to speak. Seminars will be held in Brunswick, in-person only. Cost: $300.

Irene Chou 1992, The universe is within our hearts II